
Title Author(s) Citation Date Type
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling of the February 2014 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Release Nasstrom, J., T. Piggott, M. Simpson, M. Lobaugh, L. Tai, B. Pobanz, K. Yu Report, LLNL-TR-666379 2015 July Applications and Incident Responses
NARAC Overview Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, B. Pobanz, S. Larsen, and B. Eme Presentation,LLNL-PRES-609358-Rev1 2015 January Summaries and Overviews
National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) Source Estimation Capabilities: R&D to Operations Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, S. Larsen, B. Pobanz, M. Simpson CTBTO Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, September 23-25, 2014. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-660636 2014 September Research and Development
Deposition Velocity Methods For DOE Site Safety Analyses Sugiyama G., A. Gowardhan, M. Simpson, J. Nasstrom Report, LLNL-TR-654366 2014 May Research and Development
NARAC Emergency Response Slideshow Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, and R. Baskett (design by K. Hadley) Slideshow, LLNL-VIDEO-412279-Rev3 2014 July Summaries and Overviews
NARAC Fact Sheet Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom Brochure, LLNL-BR-650024.Rev1 2014 January Summaries and Overviews
Development and Validation of a Fast CFD model for simulating flow and dispersion in urban areas and complex terrain Gowardhan A. 18th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the A&WMA, Atlanta, GA, February 2-6, 2014. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-648845 2014 February Research and Development
Experience, Lessons Learned and Improvements Resulting from the Use of the NARAC During the Fukushima Daiichi Accident Sugiyama G., J.Nasstrom, K.Foster, B.Pobanz, S. Larsen, M. Simpson International Expert’s Meeting on Radiation Protection after the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, CN-224. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-650086 2014 February Applications and Incident Responses
Overview of Briefing Products/Part 1: Radiological/Nuclear Foster K. (LLNL), K. Yu (LLNL), H. Clark (RSL) Presentations: LLNL-PRES-609133, LLNL-PRES-659598, LLNL-PRES-665558 2014 December User Guides and Documentation
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling: Recent Advances and Future Needs Sugiyama G. NAS/BASC Panel: Frontiers and Challenges in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Presentation, LLNL-PRES-664995 2014 December Research and Development
Analysis of Fission and Activation Radionuclides Produced by the Detonation of a Uranium-Fueled Improvised Nuclear Device and Identification of the Top Dose-Producing Radionuclides Kraus T. (SNL), Foster, K. (LLNL) Health Physics, 107 (2), 150-163, 2014. LLNL-JRNL-640177 2014 August Research and Development
NARAC Technical Plot Guide: A Guide to NARAC Predictions and Analyses Foster C., B. Yu, K. Foster, and J. Nasstrom Presentation, LLNL-PRES-636839 2013 May User Guides and Documentation
HotSpot Health Physics Codes Version 3.0 User's Guide Homann S., F. Aluzzi Software Manual, LLNL-SM-636474 2013 May User Guides and Documentation
Revised Excerpts from CBNP Modeling & Prediction: LLNL History Ermak D., G Sugiyama Publication, LLNL-MI-639572 2013 June Summaries and Overviews
NARAC ATD Modeling Sugiyama G. 17th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling: Progress in Governmental ATD Modeling and Response Panel, June 25, 2013, Fairfax, VA 2013 June Summaries and Overviews
NARAC Dispersion Modeling During the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, K. Foster, B. Pobanz, M. Simpson, P. Vogt, F. Aluzzi, S. Homann Proceedings of the the 1st NIRS Symposium on Reconstructions of Early Internal Dose in the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accidents, National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba, Japan 2012 November Applications and Incident Responses
Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling: Challenges of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Response Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, B. Pobanz, K. Foster, M. Simpson, P. Vogt, F. Aluzzi, and S. Homann Health Physics 102 (5), 493-508 2012 May Applications and Incident Responses
Comparison of dense gas models at different fidelity levels with experimental data Gowardhan A. 16th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, Fairfax VA July 17, 2012 2012 July Research and Development
Livermore Responds to Crisis in Post-Earthquake Japan Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, S. Kreek Science and Technology Review, LLNL 2012 January Applications and Incident Responses
A Study of the Effects of Different Urban Wind Models on Dispersion Patterns Using Joint Urban 2003 Data Gowardhan A. (LLNL), M. Brown (LANL) AMS 17th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology New Orleans, LA, January 22-27, 2012 2012 February Research and Development
Protective Action Criteria for Chemicals - Including AEGLs, ERPGs & TEELs Emergency Management Issues Special Interest Group DOE Office of Emergency Management and Policy 2012 February External References
Overview of Briefing Products/Part 2: Chemical and Biological Foster K., G. Sugiyama Presentation LLNL-PRES-609133 2012 December User Guides and Documentation
Assessing Regional Shelter Quality Dillon M.B., S. Homann Presentation, LLNL-PRES-495979 2011 September Research and Development
Radiation Dispersal Device (RDD) Consequence Assessment Modeling Nasstrom J.S., K. Foster, P. Goldstein, S. Homann, G. Sugiyama International RDD Workshop, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 2011 December Research and Development
Thinking about the Public Health Impacts of Reaerosolization Following a Large Outdoor Release Dillon M.B. (LLNL), R. Sextro (LBNL) Biodefense Net Assessment Executive Review Panel at the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute (invited presentation) 2011 December Research and Development
Application of FDA Food Contamination Protective Action Guidelines for MSL Homann S. MSL Radiological Contingency Plan Meeting, Kennedy Space Center, FL 2011 August Applications and Incident Responses
Advances in Modeling Radiation Dispersal Device and Nuclear Detonation Effects Nasstrom J.S., K. Foster, P. Goldstein, M. Dillon, N. Wimer, S. Homann, G. Sugiyama ANS 11th Emergency Preparedness & Response Conference, Knoxville, TN, August 7-10, 2011 2011 August Research and Development
NARAC Capabilities for Homeland Security Sugiyama G., J. Nasstrom, R. Baskett, M. Simpson Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, May 23-27, 2010 2010 May Summaries and Overviews
Airborne Spread of Foot-and-Mouth Disease - Model Intercomparison Gloster J., A. Jones, A. Redington, L. Burgin, J.H. Sørensen, R. Turner, M. Dillon, P.Hullinger, M. Simpson, P. Astrup, G. Garner, P. Stewart, R. D’Amours, R. Sellers, D. Paton The Veterinary Journal, 183 (3) 278–286 2010 March Research and Development
Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation, Second Edition The National Security Staff Interagency Policy Coordination Subcommittee for Preparedness& Response to Radiological and Nuclear Threats Second Edition 2010 June External References
Impact of NEXRAD Derived Winds on NARAC Dispersion Modeling Simpson M., R. Newsom 90th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 16-21, 2010. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-422465 2010 January Research and Development
NARAC Software Quality Assurance SQA Program Effectiveness Review Walker H. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-425372 2010 February User Guides and Documentation
Perspectives on Biosurveillance Data for Use in Transport and Fate Modeling Sugiyama G. National Academy of Science/Institute of Medicine: Standing Committee of Health Threat Resilience (invited presentation), December 6, 2010 2010 December Summaries and Overviews
An Operational Perspective on Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Sugiyama G. OFCM Special Session, 14th Annual GMU Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, Fairfax, VA, July 13-15, 2010 2010 Summaries and Overviews
An Immersed Boundary Method for the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Lundquist K.A., F.K. Chow, J.K. Lundquist Monthly Weather Review, 138, 796-817; 2010 2009 September Research and Development
A New Urban Boundary Layer and Dispersion Parameterization for an Emergency Response Modeling System: Tests with the Joint Urban 2003 Data Set Delle Monache, L., Weil, J., Simpson, M., Leach, M. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (36) 5807-5821 2009 November Research and Development
Overview of Hazard Assessment and Emergency Planning Software of Use to RN First Responders Waller E., K. Millage, W.F. Blakely, J.A. Ross, J.R. Mercier, D.J. Sandgren, I.H. Levine, W.E.Dickerson, J.B. Nemhauser, J.S. Nasstrom, G Sugiyama, S. Homann, B.R. Buddemeier, C.A. Curling, and D.S. Health Physics, 97 (2), 145-156 2009 August Summaries and Overviews
Key Response Planning Factors for the Aftermath of Nuclear Terrorism Buddemeier B., M. Dillon LLNL Report, LLNL-TR-410067 2009 August External References
NARAC Timeline Poster Nasstrom J., G. Sugiyama, R. Baskett, S. Larsen, and M. Bradley Poster, LLNL-MI-412276 2009 April Summaries and Overviews
Bayesian Inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling to Reconstruct a Contaminant Source on a Continental Scale Monache L.D., J.K. Lundquist, B. Kosovic, G. Johannesson, K.M. Dyer, R.D. Aines, F.K. Chow,R.D. Belles, W.G. Hanley, S.C. Larsen, G.A. Loosmore, J.K. Nitao, G. Sugiyama, P.J. Vogt Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, (10), 2600-2613 2008 October Research and Development
NARAC Software Quality Assurance: Adapting Formalism to Meet Varying Needs Walker H., J.S. Nasstrom, S.G. Homann 2nd Joint Emergency Preparedness and Response & Robotics and Remote Systems Topical Meeting, March 11, 2008. Presentation, LLNL-PRES-402101 2008 March User Guides and Documentation
On the Leading Edge of Atmospheric Predictions Sugiyama G. Science and Technology Review, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, March 2007 2007 March Research and Development
Dynamic Data-Driven Event Reconstruction for Atmospheric Releases Kosovic B., R. Belles, F.K. Chow, L.D. Monache, K. Dyer, L. Glascoe, W. Hanley, G.Johannesson, S. Larsen, G. Loosmore, J.K. Lundquist, A. Mirin, S. Neuman, J. Nitao, R. Serban, G. LLNL Report, UCRL-TR-229417 2007 March Research and Development
Interaction of Nocturnal Low-Level Jets with Urban Geometries as Seen in Joint Urban 2003 Data Lundquist J.K., J.D. Mirocha Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 44-58 (and AMS Sixth Symposium on the Urban Environment, Atlanta GA, January 29, 2006) 2007 March Research and Development
Source Inversion for Contaminant Plume Dispersion in Urban Environments Using Building-Resolving Simulations Chow F.K., B. Kosovic, S.T. Chan Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, (6), 1553-1572 2007 August Research and Development
NARAC Modeling and Decision Support System for Radiological and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response Nasstrom J., G. Sugiyama, R.L. Baskett, S.C. Larsen, and M.M. Bradley International Journal of Emergency Management, 4, (3), 524-550 2007 Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Handbook for Responding to a Radiological Dispersal Device Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. CRCPD Publication 06-6, CRCPD Pub. 2006 September External References
Transport and Dispersion Model Predictions of Elevated Source Tracer Experiments in the Copenhagen Area: Comparisons of Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) and National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) Emergency Response Model Predictions Warner, S., Heagy, J., Platt, N., Dillon, M. Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA Document D-3276, Alexandria, Virginia 2006 July Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Event Reconstruction with the Urban Dispersion Model Neuman S., L. Glascoe, B. Kosovic, K. Dyer, W. Hanley, J. Nitao, R. Gordon American Meteorology Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 29 - February 2, 2006 2006 January Research and Development
Protective Action Guides for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) and Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) Incidents; Notice U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Register, 71, (1), 174-196 (January 3, 2006) 2006 January External References
Detailed Simulations of Atmospheric Flow and Dispersion in Downtown Manhattan; An Application of Five Computational Fluid Dynamics Models Hanna, S.R (Harvard), M.J. Brown (LANL), F.E. Camelli (GMU), S.T. Chan (LLNL), W.J. Coirier(CFD Research Corp.) , O.R. Hansen (GexCon), A.H. Huber (NOAA ARL), S. Kim (CFD Research Corp.), R.M. American Meteorological Society, December 2006, 1713-1726 2006 December Research and Development
A Study of the Variation of Urban Mixed Layer Heights Simpson M.S., S. Raman, J. Lundquist, M. Leach Atmospheric Environment, 41, 6923-6930 (2007) 2006 August Research and Development
A Validation of FEM3MP with Joint Urban 2003 Data Chan S.T., M.J. Leach Journal of Applied Meteorology, 46, (12), 2127-2146 (2007) 2006 August Research and Development
IMAAC Support of the Top Officials 3 National Exercise Baskett R.L., M.B. Dillon Publication, UCRL-ABS-220753 2006 April Applications and Incident Responses
KDFOC3: A Nuclear Fallout Assessment Capability Harvey T., F. Serduke, L. Edwards, L. Peters LLNL Report, UCRL-TM-222788 2006 Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Integration of AMS and ERDS Measurement Data into NARAC Dispersion Models Foster K., C. Logan, E. Arnold, D. Bonner, B. Eme, K. Fischer, H. Walker, J. Gash, J.Nasstrom, A. Guber, P. Wasiolek, J. Fulton FY05 Technology Integration Project Final Report. UCRL-TR-215614 2005 September Research and Development
Evaluation of the NARAC Modeling System. Weil J. LLNL Report UCRL-AR-217329 2005 November Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Models and Measurements: Complementary Tools for Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion and Assessing the Consequences of Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies Bradley M.M., B. Kosovic, J.S. Nasstrom International Conference on Monitoring, Assessments, and Uncertainties for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 21-25, 2005. UCRL-PROC-216924 2005 November Research and Development
Flow around a Complex Building: Experimental and Large-Eddy Simulation Comparisons Calhoun R., F. Gouveia, J. Shinn, S. Chan, D. Stevens, R. Lee, J. Leone Journal of Applied Meteorology,44 (5), 571-590 2005 May Research and Development
Evaluation of an Urban Canopy Parameterization in a Mesoscale Model Using VTMX and URBAN 2000 Data Chin H.S., M.J. Leach, G. Sugiyama, J.M. Leone JR., H. Walker, J. S. Nasstrom Monthly Weather Review, 133, (7), 2043-2068 2005 January Research and Development
Modeling Shelter-In-Place Including Sorption On Indoor Surfaces Chan W.R., P.N. Price, A.J. Gadgil, W.W. Nazaroff, G. Loosmore, G. Sugiyama American Meteorological Society, 84th Annual Meeting, Symposium on Planning, Nowcasting, and Forecasting in the Urban Zone, Seattle WA January 11-15 2005 2005 January Research and Development
Consequences of Urban Stability Conditions for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Urban Dispersion Lundquist J.K., S.T. Chan Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 46, (7) 1080-1097 (2007) 2005 December Research and Development
Dynamic Data-Driven Event Reconstruction for Atmospheric Releases Sugiyama G., B. Kosovic National Nuclear Security Administration Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program Annual Review, August 24, 2005 2005 August Research and Development
LINC Modeling of August 19, 2004 Queen City Barrel Company Fire In Cincinnati OH Dillon M.B., J.S. Nasstrom, R.L. Baskett, B.M. Pobanz LLNL Report, UCRL-TR-206580 2004 September Applications and Incident Responses
Flow Around a Complex Building: Comparisons between Experiments and a Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes Approach Calhoun R., F. Gouveia, J. Shinn, S. Chan, D. Stevens, R. Lee, J.Leone Journal of Applied Meteorology, 43, (5), 696-710 2004 May Research and Development
The NARAC Emergency Response Guide to Initial Airborne Hazard Estimates Dillon M.B., R.L. Baskett, K.T. Foster, C.S. Foster Publication, UCRL-TM-202990 2004 March User Guides and Documentation
Large Eddy Simulation of an URBAN 2000 Experiment with Various Time-Dependent Forcing Chan S.T., M.J. Leach Fifth Symposium on the Urban Environment, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 23-27, 2004. UCRL-CONF-204806 2004 June Research and Development
Operational Systems for Emergency Preparedness and Response Sugiyama G., J.S. Nasstrom and R.L. Baskett American Meteorological Society Symposium on Planning, Nowcasting, and Forecasting in the Urban Zone: Emergency Response, 84th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA January 11-15, 2004 2004 January Summaries and Overviews
Overview of Joint Urban 2003 An Atmospheric Dispersion Study in Oklahoma City Allwine, K.J. (PNNL), M.J. Leach (LLNL), L.W., Stockham (Northrup Gumman), J.S., Shinn (LLNL),R.P. Hosker (NOAA ARL), J.F. Bowers (DPG), J.C. Pace (DTRA) American Meteorological Society on Planning, Nowcasting, and Forecasting in the Urban Zone, January 11-15, 2004, Seattle, WA 2004 January Research and Development
A Simplified CFD Approach for Modeling Urban Dispersion Chan S., T. Humphreys, R. Lee American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, January 11-15, 2004 2004 January Research and Development
Precipitation scavenging of atmospheric aerosols for emergency response applications: testing an updated model with new real-time data Loosmore G.A., R.T. Cederwall Atmospheric Environment, 38 993-1003 2004 January Research and Development
Atmospheric Modeling Product-Related Terms and Acronyms Foster K.T., F.J. Aluzzi, R.L. Baskett, M.B. Dillon, C.S. Foster, S.G. Homann, J.S. Nasstrom,B.M. Pobanz, P.J. Vogt LLNL Report, UCRL-TM-205526-REV-1 2004 August User Guides and Documentation
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Dispersion in Urban Areas and Forest Canopies Chan S.T. CFD Modeling for Military Applications, Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, May 25-26, 2004 2004 April Research and Development
Multi-agency Support for the TOPOFF2 Exercise by the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) Nasstrom J.S., R.L. Baskett, J.S. Ellis, D.L. Ermak American Nuclear Society Global 2003 Winter Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 16-20, 2003 2003 November Applications and Incident Responses
Evaluation and Development of Models for Resuspension of Aerosols at Short Times after Deposition Loosmore G. Atmospheric Environment, 37 (5), 639-647. UCRL-JC-149850 2003 February Research and Development
Multi-agency Utilization of the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center Baskett R.L., F.J. Aluzzi, B.M. Bowen, C.S. Foster, J.S. Nasstrom, B.M. Pobanz, P.J. Vogt American Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 2002 2002 November Summaries and Overviews
Advancement of a Real-Time Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System Sugiyama G., J.S. Nasstrom, H.S. Chin, K.T. Foster, D.J. Larson, M.J. Leach, J.M. Leone, Jr.,D. Maddix, J.E. Tull and H. Walker American Meteorological Society's 12th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, Norfolk, VA, May 20-24, 2002 2002 May Summaries and Overviews
Shared and Distributed Memory Parallelization of a Lagrangian Atmospheric Dispersion Model Larson D.J., J.S. Nasstrom Atmospheric Environment, 36 (9), 1559-1564 (2002) 2002 March Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Overview OF Urban 2000 - A Multiscale Field Study of Dispersion through an Urban Environment Allwine K.J., J.H. Shinn, G.E. Streit, K.L. Clawson, M. Brown Bulletin of American Meteorology Society, 83, (4), 521-536 (PNNL released publication) 2002 April Research and Development
Lagrangian Operational Dispersion Integrator (LODI) User's Guide Version 1.0 Leone J.M., Jr., J.S. Nasstrom, D.M. Maddix, D.J. Larson, G. Sugiyama and D.L. Ermak LLNL Report, UCRL-AM-212798 2001 June User Guides and Documentation
Development and Performance of a Scalable Version of a Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model Mirin A.A., G.A. Sugiyama, S. Chen, R.M. Hodur, T.R. HoIt, J.M. Schmidt Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference, Biloxi, Ml, June 18-21, 2001 2001 June Research and Development
Simulating Urban Effects Within a Diagnostic Wind Field Model Leone J.M., Jr., G. Sugiyama, B. Bowen Third International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics with a Special Theme in Urban Fluid Dynamics, Tempe, AZ, December 5-8, 2001 2001 July Research and Development
User-Oriented Measures of Effectiveness for the Evaluation of Transport and Dispersion Models Warner, S.(IDA), Heagy, J. (IDA), Platt, N.(IDA), Larson, D.(LLNL), Sugiyama, G.(LLNL), Nasstrom, J.(LLNL), Foster, K.(LLNL), Bradley, S.(LAT), Bieberback, G.(LAT) Institute for Defense Analyses, IDA Paper P-3554, Alexandria, Virginia 2001 January Operational Model Description and Evaluation
A Model for Flow and Dispersion Around Buildings and Its Validation Using Laboratory Measurements Chan S.T., D.E. Stevens, R.L. Lee American Meteorological Society's 3rd Symposium on the Urban Environment, Davis, CA, August 14-18, 2000 2000 May Research and Development
An Evaluation of Two Advanced Turbulence Models for Simulating the Flow and Dispersion Around Buildings Chan S.T., D.E. Stevens Millennium NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Applications, Boulder, CO, May 15-19, 2000 2000 May Research and Development
A Real-Time Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System Nasstrom J.S., G. Sugiyama, J.M. Leone, Jr. and D.L. Ermak 11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association, Long Beach, CA, January 9-14, 2000 2000 January Operational Model Description and Evaluation
ARAC Modeling of the Algeciras, Spain Steel Mill CS-137 Release Vogt P.J., B.M. Pobanz, F.J. Aluzzi, R.L. Baskett, T.J. Sullivan American Nuclear Society 7th Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, Santa Fe, NM, September 14-17, 1999 1999 September Applications and Incident Responses
Comparison of Gridded Versus Observation Data to Initialize ARAC Dispersion Models for the Algeciras, Spain Steel Mill Cs-137 Release Pobanz B.M., P.J. Vogt, F.J. Aluzzi, J.C. Pace American Nuclear Society 7th Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, Santa Fe, NM, October 14-17, 1999 1999 May Applications and Incident Responses
A Lagrangian Stochastic Diffusion Method for Inhomogeneous Turbulence Ermak D.L., J.S. Nasstrom Atmospheric Environment, 34 (7), 1059-1068 (2000) 1999 August Operational Model Description and Evaluation
ARAC's Radiological Support of the Cassini Launch Baskett R.L., J.C. Pace Health Physics Society 32nd Midyear Topical Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, January 24-27, 1999 1998 October Applications and Incident Responses
The Use of an Operational Model Evaluation System for Model Intercomparison Foster K.T., G. Sugiyama, J.S. Nasstrom, J.M. Leone, Jr., S.T. Chan and B.M. Bowen Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 14, 77-88 (also 5th International Conference on Harmonization within Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling for Regulatory Purposes), Rhodes, Greece, May 18-21, 1998 1998 March Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Dose Refinement: ARAC's Role Ellis J.S., Sullivan T.J.; Baskett R.L. Environmental Protection Agency Post-Emergency Response Issues Conference , Washington DC, September 9-11, 1998 1998 June Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Evaluation of the Effect of Meteorological Data Resolution on Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Simulations Using the ETEX Experiment Nasstrom J.S., J.C. Pace Atmospheric Environment, 32(24), 4187-4194 1998 January Operational Model Description and Evaluation
ARAC Dispersion Modeling of the August 1998 Tracy, California Tire Fire Bowen B.M., F.J. Aluzzi, R.L. Baskett, C.S. Foster, J.C. Pace, B.M. Pobanz, P.J. Vogt LLNL Report, UCRL-ID-131759 1998 August Applications and Incident Responses
Accidental Radioactive Contamination of Human Food and Animal Feeds: Recommendations for State and Local Agencies Center for Devices and Radiological Health Food and Drug Administration U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, August 13, 1998 1998 August External References
A New Meteorological Data Assimilation Model for Real-Time Emergency Response Sugiyama G., S.T. Chan 10th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association, Phoenix AZ, January 11-16, 1998 1997 September Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Description of ARAC'S Real-Time Modeling Support to the Mars Pathfinder and Cassini Missions Pace J.C. 10th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with The Air & Waste Management Association, Phoenix, AZ, January 11-16, 1998 1997 October Applications and Incident Responses
A New Model for Generating Mass-Consistent Wind Fields Over Continuous Terrain Chan S.T., G. Sugiyama American Nuclear Society’s Sixth Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, San Francisco, CA, August 22-25, 1997 1996 November Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Meteorological Data Assimilation for Real-Time Emergency Response Sugiyama G., S.T. Chan American Nuclear Society’s Sixth Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, San Francisco, CA, April 22-25, 1997 1996 November Operational Model Description and Evaluation
A First Look at the New ARAC Dispersion Model Leone J.M. Jr., J.S. Nasstrom, D.M. Maddix American Nuclear Society's, Sixth Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, San Francisco, CA, April 22-25, 1997 1996 November Operational Model Description and Evaluation
ARAC Dispersion Modeling Support for January-March 1995 Vandenberg AFB Launches Baskett R.L., J.C. Pace LLNL Report, UCRL-ID-121547 1995 May Applications and Incident Responses
The Challenge of Emergency Response Dispersion Models on the Meso-Gamma Urban Scale: A Case Study of the July 26, 1993 Oleum Tank Car Spill in Richmond California Baskett R.L., P.J. Vogt, W.W. Schalk III, B.M. Pobanz, C.S. Foster, J.S. Ellis 5th Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, Savannah, GA, April 18-21, 1994 1995 August Applications and Incident Responses
Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability: Real-Time Modeling of Airborne Hazardous Materials Sullivan T.J., J.S. Ellis, C.S. Foster, K.T. Foster, R.L. Baskett, J.S. Nasstrom, W.W. Schalk Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 2343-2361 1993 December Operational Model Description and Evaluation
Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA/Office of Radiation Programs, WDC, 400-R-92-001 1992 May External References
Atmospheric Modeling of the July 1991 Metam Sodium Spill into California's Upper Sacramento River Baskett R.L., J.S. Nasstrom, J.J. Watkins Jr., J.S. Ellis, T.J. Sullivan Air & Waste Management Association, 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, June 22-26, 1992 1992 March Applications and Incident Responses
Ash Cloud Aviation Advisories Sullivan T.J., J.S. Ellis, W.W. Schalk, J.S. Nasstrom First International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, Seattle, Washington, July 8-12, 1991 1992 June Applications and Incident Responses
Daily Dispersion Model Calculations of the Kuwait Oil Fire Smoke Plume Ellis J.S., C.S. Foster, K.T. Foster, T.J. Sullivan Air and Waste Management Association 85th Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, June 22-26, 1992 1992 April Applications and Incident Responses
Modeling of Air Currents in the Gulf Region Sullivan T.J., J.S. Ellis, C.S. Foster, K.T. Foster, R.L. Baskett, J.S. Nasstrom, W.W. Schalk Workshop on Environmental Dimensions of the Gulf: Policy and Institutional Perspectives, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, April 19-22, 1992 1992 April Applications and Incident Responses
Evaluation of a Long Range Particle-In-Cell Transport and Diffusion Model Based on an Analysis of the Chernobyl Reactor Accident Dickerson M.H., R. Lange Conference on Evaluation of Atmospheric Dispersion Models Applied to the Release from Chernobyl, Vienna, Austria, November 14-16, 1988 1988 October Applications and Incident Responses
Krypton-85 Purge at Three Mile Island: A Comparison of Measured and Calculated Surface Air Concentrations Kunz C., M. Wahlen, K.R.Peterson, D.J. Rodriguez Health Physics 49 (3), 522-526, LLNL Report, UCRL-JRNL-89801 1985 September Applications and Incident Responses
A Review of ARAC's Involvement in the Titan II Missile Accident Sullivan T.J. LLNL Report, UCID-18833 1980 October Applications and Incident Responses
Fallout Model For System Studies Harvey, T., Serduke, F. LLNL Report, UCRL-52858 1979 October Operational Model Description and Evaluation