Briefing Products* are designed to convey key information on actions or decisions that need to be considered during an emergency response. The content of the Briefing Products was originally developed and continues to be regularly updated as part of an on-going collaboration with the interagency response community. The use of acronyms and technical jargon is minimized in order to improve communication of scientific information to (potentially non-technical) decision-makers and responders.
Briefing Products are currently available for release scenarios involving:
- Explosive radiological dispersal devices ("dirty bombs")
- Nuclear detonations
- Nuclear power plant accidents
- Toxic industrial chemical and chemical agent releases
- Biological agent attacks
Briefing Products utilize a standard 3 slide format:
- The first slide provides a map showing areas of concerns, a contour legend, and a brief list of important points, assumptions, and limitations.
- The second slide highlights key information to be briefed and provides information concerning potential actions to be taken (e.g., evacuation/sheltering, relocation, worker protection, agricultural embargoes).
- The final slide contains extensive technical background and assumption information to be used by the briefer, but is not intended for presentation.
All slides include product titles, a short scenario description, the product creation date/time, and contact phone numbers to obtain technical details and advice.
Briefing Products can be automatically generated by NARAC software in several different formats: PDF, PowerPoint, GIS (ESRI) Shapefiles, and .kmz (Google Earth) file. Shapefiles and .kmz files allow NARAC products to be mapped in a user's own Geographical Information System.
Complementary sets of standard NARAC technical products are intended for use by scientific experts. They typically show the same hazard area levels as the associated Briefing Product, accompanied by additional technical details regarding NARAC model inputs, assumptions, and interpretation.
*For more information please refer to the Overview of Briefing Products/Part 1: Radiological/Nuclear and Overview of Briefing Products/Part 2: Chemical and Biological