Technical products include one-page NARAC model plots showing impacted areas as well as multi-page consequence reports that consolidate multiple model products from the same simulation and provide expanded descriptions of input data, model assumptions, results, and interpretational information. Examples of information provided in NARAC products include:
- Areas where human exposure limits or health effect levels may be exceeded and protective actions to protect the public or emergency response workers should be considered
- Air concentration and ground deposition levels
- Areas subject to nuclear detonation impacts such as overpressure, thermal radiation, ionizing radiation and structural damage
- Affected population number estimates
- Wind observations, meteorological analyses and weather forecasts
- Field measurement data
- Animations illustrating plume movement or changing impacts over time
- Maps and other geographical information, such as roads, cities, schools, hospitals, aerial photographs, and topographic maps
Different sets of standards products are generated for different types of releases:
- Unknown material
- Toxic industrial chemical
- Chemical warfare agent
- Biological agent
- Radiological dispersal device
- Nuclear detonation
- Nuclear power plant accident
- Blast (explosion) damage
Technical Products can be automatically generated by NARAC software in several different formats: PDF, PowerPoint, GIS (ESRI) Shapefiles, and .kmz (Google Earth) file. Shapefiles and .kmz files allow NARAC products to be mapped in a user's own Geographical Information System.